Dayna completed her Digital Marketing apprenticeship with Further my Future, she spoke about her experience...
Why did you decide to apply for an apprenticeship?
After going to university for a year and deciding it wasn’t for me, I wanted to get an apprenticeship as I knew actual work experience would be much more beneficial for me. I wanted to get a taste of the real working world, earning my own wage as I learn.
What did you hope to gain from doing an apprenticeship?
Just real-life work experience, to be honest. I think an apprenticeship is a great kick-start into the world of work.
What have you learnt so far from working on the job?
It’s safe to say I’ve learnt a lot of communication and teamwork skills. Working in a close-knit team of 6, teamwork skills are vital for my role. I’ve also got to practice my writing skills a lot, as I write our weekly blog.
What do you think of the tutors and staff at Creative Process?
The tutors at CPD couldn’t be friendlier, to be honest. They make the sessions enjoyable, relaxed and make you feel at ease – especially when you have O previous knowledge!
What is the best thing about your apprenticeship?
I’d say the independence to be a free-thinker but also to have a close-knit team on hand every day. Our team is small (6 people) so it’s great that we can all communicate so easily.
What would you say to someone interested in becoming a digital apprentice?
Do it! Personally, I think it’s the best option for a young person. It has everything: experience, qualifications, education and a wage.