Esme has just completed her Digital Marketing apprenticeship
with Pratt Digital and is now a qualified digital marketer.
She shared with us some great advice…
Why did you decide to apply for an apprenticeship?
I was eager to get out into the working world.
What advice would you give to someone considering taking on an apprenticeship?
1. Try to put the theory you learn into play in your job straight away.
That way the skills become second nature instantly
2. Make a start on your portfolio as soon as you can even if it is in note form.
This will make it easier to document everything and there won’t be a mad rush at the end.
Tell me about your job role and what you loved the most?
The best thing about my job role was how well it went alongside my apprenticeship. The theory I learnt was closely related to the work I was doing which meant I could apply my training at Creative Process in my job role. I am now a Digital Marketing Executive and manage over 40 accounts everyday all with different styles, budgets and needs. I loved that I have had the chance to work on accounts across a wide variety of industries and learnt how to tailor my language accordingly.
What did you gain from doing an apprenticeship?
I’ve gained a lot of confidence in an office based role and am now able to comfortably talk to new people at ease. I am ready to tackle anything that comes my way.
What opportunities did doing an apprenticeship give you?
I have gained invaluable knowledge and this has been the best year for me. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone and shown myself what I can achieve if I put my mind to it.
If you had to use one sentence to describe your apprenticeship what would it be?
I couldn’t think of a better way to kickstart my career!